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Sunday, August 3, 2008 ' 4:09 AM Y

Shopping+Movie Spree
Ytd went out with ZhenHong LakJin WeiEn and newcomer Dominic to get Zh's 'extreme makeover'. First went to Gombak cos Rowena told him there got sell skinnies. But think the shop haven't open la can't find !@#$ wasted our time and 45c for nth.
Then ltr go all the way to Bugis. Ahh, went to Bugis Street there got so many shops sell, so cramp and hot can. We went to a store at roadside then Zh decided to buy one black pair after trying. Costed $25. But so sad later found out that at Bugis Street one of the alleys they sell at $15. Lol.
Then I forgot who suggested having lunch at a coffeeshop there, ended up eating wonton mee. Then aft that went to Bugis box office to chk movie, decided to watch Mummy. WALAO fuck la thought it was gonna be a okay show but it totally SUCKED. Not worth the money man. Some kind of lame epic storyline and lousy battle scenes. Haiz
We shopped abit at Bugis Square, then took some time finding the cinema. Box Office at ground floor but cinema at highest floor so funny sia. After that went over to Marina Square, went to check out the Asiasoft gamefest. So retarded sia main event was the competitors from Japan Korea HK and SG. Challenging GetAmped zzz so kiddy lo. Then ZH went to get his emo myuk pencilcase, took like 30mins to decide b4 finally buying. Dinnered at BurgerKing.
Aft that went down to RafflesLink mall, Zh wanted to see his future Crumpler bag -.-
Then bought a box of donuts frm DonutFactory. Wa choc so thick and creamy sia damn nice. But abit ex. $1.20-1.30 for just one small ring.
Trained to Orchard, then had to find our way to Cineleisure, stupid sia. Wanted to watch Money No Enough 2, but midnite movies at orchard fill up damn fast, 11.30pm oso sold out liao, so no choice, went to Shaw Towers to check. 9.30pm and 11pm filling out fast oso, so just queued the horrible long queue. Fuck la waited there for like 30 mins liao almost my turn suddenly can't find Dom, then LakJin and WeiEn dun wan to watch liao. Couldn't find Dom, so in the end have to just walk out of queue like that CB la. Waste my time I only one queing sia. Worse thing is he dun wan reply at all, then have to get third party involved to settle. He was talking to WanHan on phone, then later we worried something happen to him. Cnt possibly shit for 30mins right, must have gone somewhere liao. In the end heard from WanHan that he in this cold park dunno doing what, go emo la noob, then she said to us that Dom ask us to do our own things. !@#$%^&* la walao KNN CCB waste so much of our time nvr reply our calls then suddenly say he in cold park. Nvr even tell us he dun wan watch, just pangseh us liddat. Fuck la.
In the end took 190 home, then decided to go watch midnight show Money Not Enough 2 at Lot 1. At least better than Mummy, and it made tears well up in my eyes, it was abit emo lol. The show was okay generally. Reached home at 1.30am. So early sia was expecting ard 3 sian.
I don't have much interest in blogging liao, but I will still reply to tags and occasionally, post. However, i limited to using com, so no time to really put proper pics.



Thursday, July 3, 2008 ' 9:03 AM Y

Is my Maths really that lousy?

Sian. I was totally owned by Q11 of Review Questions 11 today. Ms Kang made me so paiseh can. I really didn't understand the question at first, but she purposely picked those who were weaker in maths to go out and present. So I went out, and Woon Kiat was telling me what to say word by word. Ms Kang stopped him, then ask me to present. WTF la. I had totally no idea cos' it was all WK's working. Sian lol I could only stand there like a dummy not having any idea what he was talking. Maybe I should really start to get serious about my work and work harder..I have to prove to Ms Kang that I'm not that lousy someday...

Rest of the day, no mood to do much. Stayed back for tessellation Workshop. Basically still the same played Warcraft Campaigns and Dota while doing the assignments. Many of us were multi-tasking. Then homed after that..

Tomorrow is bazaar..will be slacking duh..then after that going HomeTeamNS gym with some people for some random workouts..



Thursday, June 26, 2008 ' 8:08 AM Y

Ok JY I will update since you requested for it -.-
Not updated since the start of holidays till now. Lol. Ok will do my best to update consistently but I'm not in the mood for blogging. Dunno why. Without Photobucket, my blog is too pink and wordy without any illustrations, but I lazy to go sign up :P
School's just as usual, I think it's pointless to say some things again and again. But I think that for Chinese and History lessons, it's going to be hard. 204 boys are like taking advantage of 张老师 cos she's very lenient, I think they even like her slapping their backs lol -.-. So more or less class is damn noisy throughout whole lesson. Haiz
History, Mr Tan HS seems so..different from his usual job. Can joke so much(lol he's abit dirty) but in terms of teaching..the 1st lesson there was a slide with lots of notes and he just said smth like "I dunno wad is these.." if i nvr rmbr wrongly..lol
And his IT skills are unique though. He search through his Favourites list to look for Youtube, then when cannot find go to a link called Google and typed in Youtube. It seems that he doesn't type in the url address, his Internet was like only limited to his Favourites list LOL. And Google. Maybe who is daring enough to give him suggestions. Hmm?
Anyway, for this Saturday, all ex-CCKPians if can make it then go..sian but this year like so much lesser ppl going..Zhen Hong stop saving money and follow us..then I will definitely wear no questions asked. OMG shhhh-.-



Thursday, May 15, 2008 ' 1:11 AM Y

YAY, Maths lessons are getting interesting
Sorry didn't post yesterday since I was so tired. Today, Lit was boring. Doing corrections for exam paper -.- . IPW, basically was quite slack since Mr Ong wasn't there. English, sian, did compo.
LOL Maths was damn hilarious can. Whole lesson was laughing non-stop. It started with Ms Kang asking a few boys to go out and form a shape..then they all joked. Benjamin invented 11th finger lol. Those nt in 06, guess what it means +_+
Then dunno how she talk until about James. Then Ms Kang keep on using marker to pierce his chest. Lol. I think the most efficient way to waste time is cheering 'three cheers for ...' 3 times. But then like that she never teach anything except for Al Ge Bra(that's all I can remember), which is abit lame. Then still got what urine pressure, positive attracts negative, angle of reflection bla bla, all pervertic stuff Benjamin tries to cover them up with scientific and maths terms.
And so, Ms Kang is so gullible to jokes that she will sacrifice a lesson of teaching maths for it. LOL
For chinese, we just only watched finished the movie: The Host.
People against Yuxian,
I understand you all hate her, but do you know that the tags :
yuxian:walao enuff! I said enuff!
BOTH the tags were not by me, neither Yuxian.
You wanna know who was it?
I oso trying to find out x)


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 ' 2:00 AM Y

Was sleeping again this morning in chinese class, dunno y these few days so tired, maybe bcos i go out to enjoy too many times le. Exam over le, what u expect -.-

Was also sleeping in english class, until Mrs Wong called my name ask me answer question. Then I was like omg, Jit Corn help me. Lucky he guided me, or else i die lol. Then Ms Kang wanted us to stay back, I thought some teaching again, but I persuaded myself to wait and stay. Lol she gave tidbits sia so good. 1st time see her so changed. Normally always damn grumpy de lol.

After reccess Physics Ms Kang used half of the lesson to let us hear some music lol, but it's abit outdated songs, not those for teens de. Anyway half hour of slacking was quite good. Then James Benjamin and WK went to dance along with the music in front of class lol so funny -.-

Form Class quite boring rehearsing cheers, I just blabbered like a retarder.
Chemistry just only did a worksheet and we had to blabber more

I went off after school immediately to go away, cheering competition like quite a number of ppl also not going liao. And there's no class spirit at all except for Weihao and his friends(I don't mean to insult, but that's the fact), what's the point of going for cheering comp? Nvm if you want to guailan me, at least I don't waste my time on the comp with someone who wants things to go his own way.

Ok so it's settled then, the agreement.


Monday, May 12, 2008 ' 12:41 AM Y

Say whatever you want, I don't care
Today was quite sian. HMT, siandiao. Teacher didn't do anything, I was sleeping almost throughout the whole lesson. PE, played soccer. NCC ppl VS non-NCC ppl lol. Forgot what was the score liao. Aft recess, was CME. Mdm Yati scold ppl still can sometimes laugh de zzz. Then Zhiyee eat sweets kena caught by her, then teacher threw some on the floor then ask her pick and throw them lol haha. Got back our English and Chemistry results. Eng I got 73/100, YAY my only A. Then chem sucked, only 34.5/60.
Ok let me make this clear I am nt that enthu. I don't bother much for class events k. Whatever you want to say or criticise about me, I don't care.


Thursday, May 8, 2008 ' 11:57 PM Y

Today got back a few of my papers. Maths, 51/80. Not too bad la, since I didn't really studied. Physics, 9.5/40. My whole of section C I scored 0 -.-
Geography, 59/100.

YAY, I'm not going for camp cos' got some medical appointment

That's all, nothing much to blog today


♥ ME~

Teo You Xun
5th March '94
BPGHS 206'08
Long-ranged Cyclist
I'm Anti Socialble -.- (except for the few who know me well)

♥ Cravings

New bike
Find Out my Goal of Living
Money?(maybe temp only)

♥ Hate

COCKROCHES!(who doesn't)
CIPs(I think those programmes are a joke)

♥ Music

will add in soon

♥ TagBox

♥ BreakWay

Jay chou
Xfei lun hai
Class Blog


basic layout; April
base codes; ">XOXO
image hosting; XOXO
images; XOXO